Taste and See that the Lord is Good!

When was the last time you made a point to savor the Lord? It is so easy in our busy lives to let our faith become perfunctory. If we even take the time to sit down and spend time with Him, so often it can be “productive” time: read this, write that, dig for this, puzzle out that. We get caught up in the doing and not in the being.

For optimal physical health, one of the best things we can do is slowly and completely chew our food. This allows our bodies the opportunity to breakdown the food particles so that when they reach the gut the molecules are able to be efficiently and effectively utilized. But, another benefit of taking the time to eat slowly and chew is that we actually become more mindful of the flavors and textures of our meal. We appreciate the food more and delight in it. We are more easily satisfied and find we need to eat less to come to a place of contentment. As so often is the case, this physical experience mirrors a spiritual one.

For optimal spiritual health, one of the best things we can do is slowly and completely chew the Word of God. We can take the time to savor each word and what it means. We can take time to delight in communion with the Father through prayer, worship, and observation. We can take time to walk with Jesus, His Son, fully God and fully man, who is our Lord, Savior, King, and Priest. When we experience the Lord in a more intentional and experiential way, we get to delight in His flavors and textures. We find we appreciate Him more and more, are more easily satisfied with what He offers, and find we need less of the world’s ways to come to a place of contentment in Him.

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Fear the Lord, you his holy people,
for those who fear him lack nothing.
The lions may grow weak and hungry,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Psalm 34:8-10


The Collective Perspective


You are not a Captive to Your Thoughts.