Well-being Solutions
for Organizations
Helping you help them.
We will work with your organization to assess needs and create a solution unique to your situation. Ditch the stale online lessons and get something refreshing for the team.
We will highlight the areas of wellbeing that apply to your organization and make sure that the solution hones in on the facets that matter.
We will design your solution to ensure there are concrete applications that your members can take with them and apply.
Upcoming Trainings
SPARK Experience and Facilitator Training
SPARK Experience (7-sessions)
January 16-February 28
Fridays, 4:00-6:00 PM, GMT
SPARK Facilitator Training
March 13-14
Thursday/Friday, TBD
Register for the SPARK Resilience Experience and express your interest in Facilitator Training here.
Healthy Organizations
Whether it’s improving mental well-being, physical health, relationships and communication, or something else, healthy people are productive people. Let us help you increase productivity and positivity in your organization. Set up a 30-minute consultation to explore options.
Keep it fresh.
People hate canned lessons. Working with AmpHealth gives you an opportunity to create a fresh solution that is picked just for your team. Whether it’s workshops, coaching solutions, lunch and learns, or group activities, we will help you find the right answer for your organization.