Creating A Culture that Fosters Growth

Have you ever let fear of a mistake prevent you from trying?

This question is rhetorical by nature. We have all let fear shackle us. One of the scariest things can be imagining the response of others to our failures: "They are really are that stupid," "I can't believe they thought that would work," or "Only an idiot would try that."

And yet mistakes are a symptom of growth. They demonstrate that an individual is stepping outside of their comfort zone and trying something that is untested, unmastered, or self-taught.

Meet people's mistakes with grace. By responding to mistakes with affirmation, we are able to extend compassion, encourage self-confidence, nurture a "growth mindset", and offer a space for exploration and learning.

"You demonstrated a lot of courage when you tried that."

"You are really committed to making changes and are determined to fight through obstacles."

"You are hopeful that one day you will master this."

How can you help shape a culture where mistakes are welcomed as a sign of growth instead of an emblem of shame?


Discord between beliefs and attitudes affects your today.


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